WHT Attorneys Present TIDA Webinar on “Reptile Theory”

On April 13, 2017, WHT attorneys Gene Zipperle and Rebecca Burroughs gave a members-only Webinar presentation to the Trucking Industry Defense Association (TIDA) called “Starving the Reptile.” The webinar was the most heavily attended TIDA Webinar in the last several years.

The webinar explored combating the “Reptile Theory”, a litigation strategy used by Plaintiffs, which Gene and Rebecca have both encountered recently. They discussed how plaintiff’s counsel uses language in a motor carrier’s website or employee handbook and manual to advance the “reptile” theory in litigation, specifically when deposing the commercial motor vehicle driver, and the motor carrier’s corporate representative. They discussed ways to abate the effect of the website and handbook language, as well as using case law precedent and motion practice to limit the admissibility of such into evidence.

If you want to learn more about protecting your motor carrier from these issues, please contact Gene and Rebecca today.

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